
Thank you.
Reruitment of Board of Directors Per Support South East Ontario350 Front Street, Unit C2, Belleville, ON K8N 5M5CEA 613 922-1135 orCEO 613-921-1450 Fax 613 969-1850 |
Peer Support South East Ontario (PSSEO) is actively recruiting for the positions of Director with PSSEO at the Governance level of the organization. These are voluntary positions of significant leadership with the organization.
PSSEO’s Governance structure affords up to 12 positions. Currently PSSEO is seeking interested candidates for vacancies, concentrating in the Counties of Leeds & Grenville, Frontenac, Hastings Prince Edward, Lennox and Addington, and Kingston area.
PSSEO is looking for those with experience and interest in:
The Directors of the Board shall be at least 18 years of age, demonstrate an understanding of intentional and deliberate peer support, be supportive of the Recovery Model, and possess experience and/or skills, which will assist the Board in its governance responsibilities.
If you have an interest to serve in such a capacity with a grassroots, not for profit organization apply by cover letter or email to:
Nominations Lead
c/o Peer Support South East Ontario
350 Front Street, Unit C-2
Belleville ON K8N 5M5
Or by Email to: admin@psseo.ca
People with lived experience with addiction and/or mental illness are encouraged to apply.
We are committed to inclusive, barrier-free recruitment processes and volunteer environments. If contacted regarding this posting, please advise in a timely fashion, of any accommodation assistance you require to be assessed in a fair and equitable manner. Information received relating to accommodation measures will be addressed confidentially.
The Board of PSSEO provides Board Members the option to participate in meetings either in person or by electronic means. (e.g., Zoom)
If you would like further information regarding this opportunity to serve, you may direct your questions either by email to Terry Swift, Chief Executive Officer at tswift@psseo.ca or by telephone at 613-969-0122.
For further information, www.psseo.ca
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